Tuesday 3 October 2017

Mononoke (2007)

From https://chinesecartoons.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/2007-mononoke.jpg

Director: Kenji Nakamura
Screenplay: Chiaki J. Konaka; Ikuko Takahashi; Manabu Ishikawa; Michiko Yokote
(Voice) Cast: Takahiro Sakurai as the Medicine Seller, and various others
A 1000 Anime Crossover
A Night of a Thousand Horror (Shows) #28

Abstract Spectrum: Abstract/Expressionist/Surrealist/Weird
Abstract Rating (High/Medium/Low/None): Medium

Mononoke, a spin-off series from the 2006 horror anthology Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, is an incredible example of television anime which pushes the artistic medium. Like the best of anime horror - such as Requiem from the Darkness (2003) - the stories are well trodden and known, but what stands out is the quality of how they've been told, in this case a strong surrealistic artistry with vibrant colour. The result looks like a paper puppet theatre onscreen, one which just happens to tackle abortion, conspiracy, guilt and murder amongst its various subjects, the brightness of the visual defying its dark, humanistic tales. When you have the director of Gatchaman Crowds (2013), an idiosyncratic take on the legendary superhero franchise, and a cast of screenwriters including the idiosyncratic existentialist Chiaki J. Konaka amongst the production staff, naturally Mononoke would stand out but it's been a delight to find a series I always wanted to see is as unique and good as I hoped it to be.

For the full review, following the link to the 1000 Anime review HERE.

From http://i.imgur.com/Vpt1dfp.jpg

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