Friday 30 September 2016

Halloween 31 For 31: A Very Short Introduction for the 2016 Version

...and I do mean very short. For those new to the blog, I'll be doing thirty one reviews for all thirty one days of the month of October, something I've done for at least three years now over two blogs. All horror films or apt for the season. I prefer a more eclectic palette, especially as this blog is called Cinema of the Abstract and calls for more unconventional films, preferably with a mix of films from around the world, of various decades, and maybe even some television and/or cross-over with my secondary blog 1000 Anime.

The biggest change since the last one in 2015 is that, whilst I'll be covering films appropriate for the Abstract Canon the same way I've been doing so far, (check the right side, if you are a new reader, and there should be a link to the full list), I'll truncate my usual style because of how painstaking and time consuming these October writing marathons can be. The most important part of this project is to just enjoy myself, see films for the first time, revisit ones from years before, and remind myself that whilst this is also a great way to improve my ability to write productively that its always entertaining, even in how it exhausts me by the end, and enforces my love of horror as a genre.

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