Monday 30 August 2021

Blog Update September 2021

 The following post will be brief, but a necessary one. Simply put, a significant change in my personal life, involving moving home, will transpire within the remaining year into 2022. This is significant because, whilst it may not affect the blog's existence, it will affect content currently and may affect it in the future.

Currently, there is a significant amount to clear out, including old notes with one of the goals to have content ready even a month plus ahead if need be for the likely effect of the move. In mind to this, recently, there has been less focus on "abstract" cinema, but hopefully this will change alongside a very odd and esoteric mix. This move encourages a need to go through planned ideas that never came to be, for this blog, for the side content Games of the Abstract, my other blog 1000 Anime and possibly some Archive material too so that everything is dealt with.

I intend to plan ahead for October 2021 and Halloween by trying to have as much content in most of these topics ready, maybe covering horror films beyond the month, for a very eclectic choice. I intend it to be celebratory, in mind to the move's likely effect on me, so it is going to be a curious mix of many types of posts. Clearing out old notes, which I admit are handwritten, I am not just going to dump odds and sods as they are, but wishing to flesh them out, they are a going to be a weird mix even for my standards of topics, which in itself may lead to some entertainment for your dear readers is just finding the least expected juxtapositions every time you long onto the blog. This will last into the next year as I want them all cleared out, alongside topics which come of interest as always happens when you plan ahead but find things you want to write about as time passes.

In terms of the future, even if it means a change in content, if it leads to fewer posts to focus on other concerns and/or bearing in mind a change in what is covered, that will simply because this will clear through indulgences, including streaming subscriptions, and a change of personal life in a positive way. I do not see this as a concern in truth baring concerns of how it will go, and the wait to see how it goes, but that does not mean this blog, which was a hobby to do to unwind, will be left to gather dust or have less passion place upon it.

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